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1. Select Edit/Preferences at the top of your screen.

2. Select Presentation. Notice the items you can set.

  • Check the box if you want the toolbar to automatically show in Presentation when publish.

  • Docked means it doesn’t overlap your document or video.

3. If you don’t want the toolbar to come up automatically, when your focus is on Presentation (you’re mouse clicked on it), you can hit CTRL+T to toggle the Toolbar off and on.

Toolbar Preferences – Before Using Presentation Mode

1. Right-click on the toolbar.

2. Change the placement of the toolbar.

3. Change the size of the icons.

4. Change what tools appear on the toolbar.

5. Change the status bar location. This can also be done prior to Presentation being opened. It is in the same location as the toolbar preferences (see above for location).

Customizing the Presentation Screen Toolbar

1. When setting your tools, be sure to check Notebooks.

2. Click on the Notebooks to show the available options.

3. Choose an item in a notebook. Selecting it brings the document up on the screen.

Show Notebook Items from Presentation Toolbar

Video Tutorial

Step-by-step Instructions

The Viewer Pane and Presentation Mode of OnCue have independently controlled toolbars. Each can be customized as to which buttons are visible and how big they are.

The Presentation toolbar also allows you to present materials contained in Notebooks.

Document and video toolbars are different:

The Viewer Pane and Presentation Mode of OnCue have independently controlled toolbars. Each can be customized as to which buttons are visible and how big they are.

The Presentation toolbar also allows you to present materials contained in Notebooks.

Document and video toolbars are different:


Toolbar Preferences (Before Using Presentation Mode)

Select Edit > Preferences at the top of your screen.

Select the Presentation section on the left-hand side. Notice the items you can set:

  • Check the box if you want the toolbar to automatically show in Presentation when publish.

  • Docked means it doesn’t overlap your document or video.

If you don’t want the toolbar to come up automatically, when your focus is on Presentation (you’re mouse clicked on it), you can hit CTRL + T to toggle the Toolbar off and on.


Customizing the Presentation Screen Toolbar

Right-click on the toolbar:

  1. Change the placement of the toolbar with Toolbar Placement:

  2. Change the size of icons with Toolbar Size:

  3. Change which tools appear on the toolbar with Customize Toolbar:

  4. Change the status bar location with Status Bar Placement:


Show Notebook Items from Presentation Toolbar

When setting your tools, be sure to check Notebooks.

Click on the Notebooks to show the available options.

Choose an item in a notebook. Selecting it brings the document up on the screen.

Customize your Toolbars – Presentation

Articles > Presentation

January 13, 2025 at 8:03:28 PM


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