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Open the Transcript Viewer and choose a transcript from the dropdown, or select a transcript in the Transcript tab of the Media Bar.

Use the Go To: or use Find to search for testimony.

Select the testimony you want to present.

To send video immediately – hit F5

or the bird icon to publish in Presentation.

Note: Remember that the video is “untuned” and may not start where you export or end where you expect.

To send text only, just select the text, right-click, and choose Publish as Text or click on the arrow next to the Bird.

You can change how text is presented in both scrolling on the video and the text-only form by going to Edit > Preferences > Designations & Transcripts.

Impeachment On-the-Fly

Video Tutorial

Step-by-step Instructions

You think you know what a witness is going to say but then they go off the tracks and talk about something from their deposition that you haven’t pre-made. What can you do?

OnCue can instantly present any selection of synchronized transcript testimony, either by video or by text only.

You think you know what a witness is going to say but then they go off the tracks and talk about something from their deposition that you haven’t pre-made. What can you do?

OnCue can instantly present any selection of synchronized transcript testimony, either by video or by text only.


On-the-Fly Impeachment

Open the Transcript Viewer and choose a transcript from the dropdown, or select a transcript in the Transcript tab of the Media Bar.

Use the Go To: or use Find to search for testimony.

Select the testimony you want to present.

To send video immediately – hit F5 or the bird icon to publish in Presentation.

Note: Remember that the video is “untuned” and may not start where you export or end where you expect.

To send text only, just select the text, right-click, and choose Publish as Text or click on the arrow next to the Bird.

You can change how text is presented in both scrolling on the video and the text-only form by going to Edit > Preferences > Designations & Transcripts.

Presenting Impeachment Designations On-the-Fly

Articles > Presentation

January 13, 2025 at 7:54:03 PM


Media Bar

Select a tab or search below


About Media Scripts

About Screen Information

About Synchronized Transcripts

Adding Documents

Adding Multimedia Files in OnCue

Adding Pages to Documents

Adding Synchronized & Non-Synchronized Transcripts

Admitted Exhibits

Advanced Fine-Tuning Designations

Barcode Readers (or Scanners)

Basic Fine-Tuning Designations

Bates Numbers – Filling & Importing

Building Notebooks

Callouts – Facts and Tips

Choose Your Displays

Copying & Exporting Document Images

Copying Designations & Merging Lists

Copying Saved Annotations to Another Document

Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals

Creating Designation Lists

Creating Impeachment Designation Lists

Creating Media Scripts

Creating, Opening, & Moving Your Case

Customize Toolbars - Presentation

Customize Toolbars - Viewer

Database Tools

Deactivating a License

Deposition Designation Reports

Designation Highlighters

Designation List - Parts Explained

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