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1. In the Tools menu – select Manual Transcript Sync.

2. Choose your transcript from the drop down or choose Import Transcripts… and navigate to your transcript. Make sure the audio/video you want to use is in the _synchedvideos folder.

*OnCue will copy audio/video files for you if your transcripts are named the same or similar.

3. OnCue automatically selects associated video in the _synchedvideos folder if the naming is similar or exact to the transcript.

4. Click on the transcript in the pane a line or two BEFORE you want to start setting the syncing/setting the timecodes.

5. Using your shortcut keys, start syncing.

  • Enter starts and stops the video playing

  • Space sets the timecode

6. Each time you hit the space bar, notice the timecode is set. The time is for the next line. Every time you hit the space bar it sets the timecode for the beginning of the next line.

7. Need to get up for a second – hit Save to save your progress. All done or want to finish later? Save and Close.

Manual Transcript Sync

1. Follow the steps 2 and 3 above to select your transcript and make sure your video is in the right place.

2. This can get a little and you might have to use some trial and error.

3. Select a line on the transcript that you want to fix, clear the timecode using the Backspace shortcut. We always recommend clearing a few lines before and few lines after just to be safe.

4. Double-click on the transcript on the last correct line with timecode. This will move the video to the place you want to start.

5. Using your shortcut keys, start syncing.

  • Enter starts and stops the video playing

  • Space sets the timecode

6. Each time you hit the space bar, notice the timecode is set and bolded. The time is for the next line. Every time you hit the space bar it sets the timecode for the beginning of the next line.

7. You can also adjust the timecodes manually using the [ and ] shortcuts.

8. Need to get up for a second – hit Save to save your progress. All done or want to finish later? Save and Close.

Editing a Sync File

Video Tutorial

Step-by-step Instructions

My video sync is off, can I fix that in OnCue?

I received a Word doc of a phone call. Can I sync that to the MP3 in OnCue

You can fix your sync file or manually sync a small transcript to video files in OnCue. They both work the same way.

We do suggest that at this time the manual sync only be used for repairs and very small projects.

We strongly suggest that you send out full deposition transcripts. Our favorite vendor is Synchron Video. Any vendor that can get you a Sanction *.mdb file works too. Currently, only Synchron Video produces OnCue xml files. If you receive an xml from another vendor it is not compatible with OnCue.

My video sync is off, can I fix that in OnCue?

I received a Word doc of a phone call. Can I sync that to the MP3 in OnCue

You can fix your sync file or manually sync a small transcript to video files in OnCue. They both work the same way.

We do suggest that at this time the manual sync only be used for repairs and very small projects.

We strongly suggest that you send out full deposition transcripts. Our favorite vendor is Synchron Video. Any vendor that can get you a Sanction *.mdb file works too. Currently, only Synchron Video produces OnCue xml files. If you receive an xml from another vendor it is not compatible with OnCue.


Editing a Sync File

  1. In the Tools menu – select Sync & Edit Transcripts.

  2. Choose your transcript from the drop down or choose Import Transcripts… and navigate to your transcript. Make sure the audio/video you want to use is in the _synchedvideos folder.

    *OnCue will copy audio/video files for you if your transcripts are named the same or similar.

  3. OnCue automatically selects associated video in the _synchedvideos folder if the naming is similar or exact to the transcript.

  4. Click on the transcript in the pane a line or two BEFORE you want to start setting the syncing/setting the timecodes.

  5. Using your shortcut keys, start syncing.

    • Enter starts and stops the video playing

    • Space sets the timecode

  6. Each time you hit the space bar, notice the timecode is set. The time is for the next line. Every time you hit the space bar it sets the timecode for the beginning of the next line.

  7. Need to get up for a second – hit Save to save your progress. All done or want to finish later? Save and Close.


Resyncing Sections of a Previously Synched Video

  1. Follow the steps 2 and 3 above to select your transcript and make sure your video is in the right place.

  2. Select the line(s) on the transcript that you want to fix, clear the timecode using the Backspace shortcut. We recommend clearing a few lines before and few lines after to make it easier.

  3. Double-click on the transcript text on the last correct, synchronized line with timecode. This will move the video to the place you want to the selected line.

  4. Press the spacebar to start playing/synching, then press it again at the end of every line to set the new sync points.

  5. Each time you hit the space bar, notice the timecode is set and bolded. Press the Enter key to stop.

  6. You can also adjust timecodes manually by selecting the transcript line and using the [ and ] shortcuts. Timecodes for individual lines are forced to remain between the previous and next sync points.

  7. You can also manually type a new time in for a specific timecode by clicking on the timecode itself.

  8. Need to get up for a second – hit Save to save your progress. All done or want to finish later? Save and Close.

Manual Transcript Sync

Articles > Transcripts

January 13, 2025 at 3:36:59 PM


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