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Video Tutorial

Step-by-step Instructions

How To Use OnCue

OnCue is presentation software. It was designed by technology consultants to present your case data in a digital environment. You can create deposition clips from synched videos, annotate documents and cut clips from non-synced videos.

OnCue Activations

Each license comes with 2 activations but is not tied to a specific computer. You can move around your license by deactivating on one machine and activating on a different machine. Deactivating a license does not cancel your license.

The Cloud/Security Info

OnCue is not a cloud service–the application runs locally on your machine and case data is stored locally where you put it. It only touches the internet when it checks for updates and to verify you have a valid license. OnCue is digitally signed and verified on each launch. OnCue’s updates and installer are also digitally signed and verified. The application uses SSL encryption to download updates.

Storing OnCue Cases on the Cloud

Many users successfully store their case data on the cloud every day. However, if you choose to store your case on Dropbox or the like, you do need to take precautions. Unlike when you're on a local network, where multiple people can work on the same database simultaneously, the nature of those Cloud services mean if more than one person is using the database at the same time it will create a conflicted copy of the database. If you're collaborating in OnCue with a colleague using a shared cloud folder, make sure that only one person has OnCue open at a time.

Teamwork and OnCue

We very often have multiple users working in the same database at the same time with no issues usually on a shared network drive and not on Dropbox. Keep in mind that changes made by another user doesn't update OnCue in real time (that would affect performance too much at this point) so it's best to hit F9 to refresh your database occasionally to see what your colleagues have done. This is especially necessary if you're working on the same thing, for instance tuning video from the front and back of a designation list to meet a deadline.

Operating Systems That Support OnCue

OnCue works on Windows 10 64-bit and Windows 11.

Computer Recommendations and Specifications

OnCue users operate a variety of computers and OnCue runs just fine. Thinkpads, Razers, ASUS, Surface and even Macs (running Parallels, of course) have seen time in court with OnCue to great success.

We recommend as a minimum, an Intel i5 or better or equivalent AMD processor with at least 8gb of RAM, as well as enough hard drive space to store your case materials locally.

OnCue is a “light” program and total installation takes up 250MB.

Converting OnCue 3.5 to 4.0

Bottom line - you can’t. Cases need to be rebuilt 4.0 with the exception of Designation Lists. Those can be exported via XML and imported via XML to your new case.

Video/Audio Specifications for OnCue

With the updated release of OnCue, there are no longer strict requirements for video files, but we have found that the most optimum spec for MP4 is 1920 x1080 using H.264/AVC at a constant bit rate. OnCue 4.0 takes almost every form of video/audio but there could be the occasional issue. We’ve created a Transcode Utility that can covert any video into a video that can be used in OnCue, which can be downloaded here:

Supported Video File Types: Asf, avi, divx, flv, gif, mpeg, mpeg1, mpegts, mpg, m2t, m2v, mp4, m4v, mov, mkv, ts, vob, wmv, webm, wmv, xvid

Supported Audio File Types Aac, ac3, aiff, mp3, m4a, ogg, ts, wav, wma

How To Use OnCue

OnCue is presentation software. It was designed by technology consultants to present your case data in a digital environment. You can create deposition clips from synched videos, annotate documents and cut clips from non-synced videos.

OnCue Activations

Each license comes with 2 activations but is not tied to a specific computer. You can move around your license by deactivating on one machine and activating on a different machine. Deactivating a license does not cancel your license.

The Cloud/Security Info

OnCue is not a cloud service–the application runs locally on your machine and case data is stored locally where you put it. It only touches the internet when it checks for updates and to verify you have a valid license. OnCue is digitally signed and verified on each launch. OnCue’s updates and installer are also digitally signed and verified. The application uses SSL encryption to download updates.

Storing OnCue Cases on the Cloud

Many users successfully store their case data on the cloud every day. However, if you choose to store your case on Dropbox or the like, you do need to take precautions. Unlike when you're on a local network, where multiple people can work on the same database simultaneously, the nature of those Cloud services mean if more than one person is using the database at the same time it will create a conflicted copy of the database. If you're collaborating in OnCue with a colleague using a shared cloud folder, make sure that only one person has OnCue open at a time.

Teamwork and OnCue

We very often have multiple users working in the same database at the same time on a shared network drive. You will see the changes your colleagues make in real-time. This does not apply to synced cloud drives.

Operating Systems That Support OnCue

OnCue works on Windows 10 64-bit and Windows 11.

Virtual Desktop Environments (i.e. non-local machines excluding Parallels)

Many organizations manage all of their Windows operating system profiles through a server that users sign in to access their profile–many of the processes are not run on the local machine itself, but on the internal server. While there are many benefits to this configuration, there are some drawbacks.

OnCue was designed to run on a computer running the Windows operating system natively. It may be able to run in that environment depending on how the virtual desktop has been configured by the system administrator, but everything from the interface to playing and exporting video are greatly enhanced by having access to a local video card that meets the specifications below.

Computer Recommendations and Specifications

OnCue users operate a variety of computers and OnCue runs just fine. Thinkpads, Razers, ASUS, Surface and even Macs (running Parallels, of course) have seen time in court with OnCue to great success.

We recommend as a minimum, an Intel i5 or better or equivalent AMD processor with at least 8gb of RAM, as well as enough hard drive space to store your case materials locally.

OnCue is a “light” program and total installation takes up 250MB.

Converting OnCue 3.5 to 4.0

Bottom line - you can’t. Cases need to be rebuilt 4.0 with the exception of Designation Lists. Those can be exported via XML and imported via XML to your new case.

Video/Audio Specifications for OnCue

With the updated release of OnCue, there are no longer strict requirements for video files, but we have found that the most optimum spec for MP4 is 1920 x1080 using H.264/AVC at a constant bit rate. OnCue 4.0 takes almost every form of video/audio but there could be the occasional issue. We’ve created a Transcode Utility that can covert any video into a video that can be used in OnCue, which can be downloaded here:

Supported Video File Types


Supported Audio File Types


OnCue Facts and Specifications

Articles > OnCue Basics

January 13, 2025 at 8:07:59 PM


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About Media Scripts

About Screen Information

About Synchronized Transcripts

Adding Documents

Adding Multimedia Files in OnCue

Adding Pages to Documents

Adding Synchronized & Non-Synchronized Transcripts

Admitted Exhibits

Advanced Fine-Tuning Designations

Barcode Readers (or Scanners)

Basic Fine-Tuning Designations

Bates Numbers – Filling & Importing

Building Notebooks

Callouts – Facts and Tips

Choose Your Displays

Copying & Exporting Document Images

Copying Designations & Merging Lists

Copying Saved Annotations to Another Document

Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals

Creating Designation Lists

Creating Impeachment Designation Lists

Creating Media Scripts

Creating, Opening, & Moving Your Case

Customize Toolbars - Presentation

Customize Toolbars - Viewer

Database Tools

Deactivating a License

Deposition Designation Reports

Designation Highlighters

Designation List - Parts Explained

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