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Video Tutorial

Step-by-step Instructions

Welcome to OnCue – We are EXCITED you are here!!!

Thanks for becoming an OnCue User. If you're a new user and checking out our support site for the first time looking to get started, we recommend checking out the OnCue Basic Start Manual.

If you are not new, hang on to something because we have added a ton of new things and changed some terms that you just got use to, but we felt were just confusing people. OnCue has been a labor of love for a large team of people for a long time, and every single feature has a reason for being, with the goal of fixing real problems and making everyone who uses it faster and better.

If you can't find what you're looking for searching the site, never hesitate to send us a message, we pride ourselves in having a crazy response time with real trial techs who understand what you're trying to accomplish, and the importance of doing it quickly.

Happy Hotseating!

Welcome to OnCue – We are EXCITED you are here!!!

Thanks for becoming an OnCue User. If you're a new user and checking out our support site for the first time looking to get started, we recommend checking out the OnCue Basic Start Manual.

If you are not new, hang on to something because we have added a ton of new things and changed some terms that you just got use to, but we felt were just confusing people. OnCue has been a labor of love for a large team of people for a long time, and every single feature has a reason for being, with the goal of fixing real problems and making everyone who uses it faster and better.

If you can't find what you're looking for searching the site, never hesitate to send us a message, we pride ourselves in having a crazy response time with real trial techs who understand what you're trying to accomplish, and the importance of doing it quickly.

Happy Hotseating!

Welcome to OnCue

Articles > OnCue Basics

January 13, 2025 at 8:06:06 PM


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Adding Synchronized & Non-Synchronized Transcripts

Admitted Exhibits

Advanced Fine-Tuning Designations

Barcode Readers (or Scanners)

Basic Fine-Tuning Designations

Bates Numbers – Filling & Importing

Building Notebooks

Callouts – Facts and Tips

Choose Your Displays

Copying & Exporting Document Images

Copying Designations & Merging Lists

Copying Saved Annotations to Another Document

Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals

Creating Designation Lists

Creating Impeachment Designation Lists

Creating Media Scripts

Creating, Opening, & Moving Your Case

Customize Toolbars - Presentation

Customize Toolbars - Viewer

Database Tools

Deactivating a License

Deposition Designation Reports

Designation Highlighters

Designation List - Parts Explained

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