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Below is an explanation for each button on the worklow ribbon:

(1) Add Media

  • Modified Windows Explorer

(2) Annotate/Present

  • Viewer

(3) Build Notebooks

  • Notebooks, Viewer

(4) Present Designations

  • Designations, Designation Dashboard, Transcript Viewer

(5) Edit/Create Designations

  • Designation Editor, Transcript Viewer

(6) Link Docs to Video

  • Designations, Notebooks, Viewer, Transcript Viewer, Designation Editor

(7) Designation Wizard

  • Brings up the Wizard

(8) Custom

  • Shows custom menu and your saved spaces

Workflow Ribbon

Panes can be closed by clicking on the “X”. They can also be opened or closed in the View Menu. You can even lock them, so you don't accidentally move stuff around.

Panes can be dragged around and placed almost anywhere you like within Production.  Just left-click and hold the top of the pane’s title bar and drag it to where you want it.  It works just like Windows does.  Try it out.  If you like it, it can be saved and used for any case in the future.

Opening & Closing Panes

Once you have your production screen the way you want it, go to Custom > Save Workspace... and then give your Workspace a name.

Selecting OK places your Workspace in the Custom Menu.

To delete a layout or make a copy to send to someone. Choose Open Workspace Folder. It will open the location of the workspace file in windows explorer.

Don’t want what you created? – Delete the file and the next time you Open OnCue it will be gone.

Someone saw an awesome layout you made? – You can copy it and send it to them. If they drop it into the workspace folder on their machine, it will appear when they open OnCue.

Custom Workspaces/Layouts

Video Tutorial

Step-by-step Instructions

We understand that people work differently.  Not all of us need every window open at any given moment on their computers.  In OnCue we have created a Workflow Ribbon that functions as a shortcut to layouts that you might use to complete different production tasks.

The Media Bar is independent of these panes and does not move or alter with the working panes.  With each click of the buttons on the Ribbon, panes open and move around according to the task at hand.

We understand that people work differently.  Not all of us need every window open at any given moment on their computers.  In OnCue we have created a Workflow Ribbon that functions as a shortcut to layouts that you might use to complete different production tasks.

The Media Bar is independent of these panes and does not move or alter with the working panes.  With each click of the buttons on the Ribbon, panes open and move around according to the task at hand.


Workflow Ribbon

Below is an explanation for each button on the workflow ribbon:

Add Media
Modified Windows Explorer
Build Notebooks
Notebooks Viewer
Present Designations
Designations Designation Dashboard Transcript Viewer
Edit/Create Designations
Designation Editor Transcript Viewer
Link Docs to Video
Designations Notebooks Viewer Transcript Viewer Designation Editor
Designation Wizard
Brings up the Wizard
Show custom menu and your saved spaces


Opening & Closing Panes

Panes can be closed by clicking on the “ X ” next to the label. They can also be opened or closed in the View Menu. You can even lock them, so you don't accidentally move stuff around.

Panes can be dragged around and placed almost anywhere you like within Production.  Just left-click and hold the top of the pane’s title bar and drag it to where you want it.  It works just like Windows does.  Try it out.  If you like it, it can be saved and used for any case in the future.


Custom Workspaces/Layouts

Once you have your production screen the way you want it, go to Custom > Save Workspace... and then give your Workspace a name.

Selecting OK places your Workspace in the Custom Menu.

To delete a layout or make a copy to send to someone. Choose Open Workspace Folder. It will open the location of the workspace file in windows explorer.

Don’t want what you created? – Delete the file and the next time you Open OnCue it will be gone.

Someone saw an awesome layout you made? – You can copy it and send it to them. If they drop it into the workspace folder on their machine, it will appear when they open OnCue.

Workflow Ribbon and Creating Custom Layouts

Articles > OnCue Basics

January 13, 2025 at 8:05:58 PM


Media Bar

Select a tab or search below


About Media Scripts

About Screen Information

About Synchronized Transcripts

Adding Documents

Adding Multimedia Files in OnCue

Adding Pages to Documents

Adding Synchronized & Non-Synchronized Transcripts

Admitted Exhibits

Advanced Fine-Tuning Designations

Barcode Readers (or Scanners)

Basic Fine-Tuning Designations

Bates Numbers – Filling & Importing

Building Notebooks

Callouts – Facts and Tips

Choose Your Displays

Copying & Exporting Document Images

Copying Designations & Merging Lists

Copying Saved Annotations to Another Document

Creating & Editing Multimedia Audiovisuals

Creating Designation Lists

Creating Impeachment Designation Lists

Creating Media Scripts

Creating, Opening, & Moving Your Case

Customize Toolbars - Presentation

Customize Toolbars - Viewer

Database Tools

Deactivating a License

Deposition Designation Reports

Designation Highlighters

Designation List - Parts Explained

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